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Metal - Point Vacancies [Remixed]

This ones a belter. Mid-set euphoria or space-time bending chug, all the bases are covered. 4 years after the initial release on Lovefingers ESP institute, Hodge and Jamie Paton (one half of Metal) do not dissapoint on remix duties!

Hodge opens proceedings with his remix of Point Vacancies. You know the score here, it’s peak time but the floor needs some respite. Stick this on and before you know it half the dance floor are looking up to the sky with their hands in the air, tears rolling down their cheeks as their synapses frazzle. Transcendental dance floor stereotypes aside, look no further if you want to understand energy/emotion development in a track. It builds layer by layer, centred around a nice thumping 2 bar kick loop and uplifting pad progression, it adds arps, swirling melodies, textures and fx until you reach euphoria and are promptly taken straight back down to start all over again. Textbook rave-ready business.

Jamie Paton revisits the track ‘Dislocation Climb’ with 3 different remixes, all perfectly crafted to throw you head first into the vortex. The first two are delightfully weirded out slo-mo cuts. My pick is the first Dubwise mix, which nails that tripped out sci-fi kinda vibe. Synth sounds from the original are morphed into Dub stabs, combined with metallic red-blue shifting textures & fx, all of which are judiciously dubbed out for the duration to mind-melting effect. Throw a steadily chugging 4x4 drum track into the mix and you can wave goodbye, you have crossed the event horizon. The Dubwise II mix takes things down even further, using small fragments of the original, you’re thrown into a vast, empty void of space - the perfect backdrop to experiment with the possibilities of a reverb and a delay.

Needless to say, pitch them all down for maximum curveball capabilities. Out now, go support here!